Senate approves the bill on the “Paths of Italy”: one million and one digital map to promote them as cultural itineraries

Senate approves the bill on the “Paths of Italy”: one million and one digital map to promote them as cultural itineraries


The Senate has unanimously approved a bill which aims to “promote and enhance” the Cammini present in Italy as cultural itineraries. The votes in favor were 128. The parliamentary initiative measure passes to the Chamber.

The text allocates one million euros for the purposes indicated. In particular, “the database of the paths of Italy” is established at the Ministry of Tourism, which “integrates a digital map of the paths with information relating to their main characteristics, aimed at orienting the potential user”. Furthermore, a control room for the “development and promotion” of the Paths has been established at the same Ministry.

The bill which for once received a bipartisan consensus has as its first signatory the president of the Culture commission of Palazzo Madama, the Northern League member Roberto Marti. “Small towns and villages are places that preserve a unique historical heritage – he summarized -. It is necessary to promote the paths as itineraries that can be traveled on foot or with other forms of gentle and sustainable mobility, to enhance their cultural, historical, religious, naturalistic and hiking characteristics”. According to Marti, the measure, once definitively approved, will also allow “to relaunch cultural activity in the territories affected or adjacent to the paths and to protect, at the same time, our history and our traditions. Valuing and promoting the routes means developing the internal areas of our country as well as tourism and the national economy”.


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