Slap of the TAR to Salvini: “It was wrong to order the transport strike”

Slap of the TAR to Salvini: “It was wrong to order the transport strike”


ROME – Revenge of the unions against Salvini’s precept. The Lazio Regional Administrative Court agrees with Usb and Cobas. And it cancels the order of the Minister of Transport which on December 12th had reduced it transport strike on 15 December 24 to 4 hours. The League reacts immediately: “The TAR forced the strike. The line will not change.”

The TAR ruling

The administrative judges believe that Salvini’s order “is affected by a violation of the law and by excess of power due to lack of prerequisites, with reference to the impulse phase of the exercise of power”. Not only.

In that ordinance there were no requirements of necessity and urgency which establish the power of ministerial impulse.

And finally the Transport Authority had already given a substantial green light, limiting itself to “a formal invitation” to the unions “ad avoid objective rarefaction of the strike”, or to distance strike initiatives. “Invitation observed”, the judges comment.

The reaction of the League

The League senator writes in a note Tilde Minasigroup leader in the Transport commission at Palazzo Madama: “Clearly a push against common sense the sentence of the TAR of Lazio. A choice that will certainly not change the line of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini. Citizens cannot remain stranded on a whim and the TAR, instead of supporting Landini’s long weekend, should protect the right to mobility of millions of citizens”.

USB rejoices

However, USB takes the victory: “Salvini couldn’t precept! The TAR agrees with Usb on the local public transport strike of 15 December and condemns the MIT to pay the legal costs”.


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