Türkiye is sixth in Europe in electric car sales: It is pushing for the top 5 in the EU

Türkiye is sixth in Europe in electric car sales: It is pushing for the top 5 in the EU


Many European and Asian brands launched their previously announced ambitious models for sale in the Turkish market during the year. In addition to “green cars”, which are used as a synonym for electric cars, the number of hybrid engine vehicles, which is another part of electric mobility, is also increasing.

According to data compiled from the Automotive Distributors and Mobility Association (ODMD), in the January-February period in Turkey, gasoline cars ranked first with sales of 97 thousand 861 units, and hybrid cars ranked second with 21 thousand 594 units. Diesel sales were 15 thousand 910 units, and autogas sales were 1181 units.

During the said period, sales of fully electric cars powered only by electricity reached 8 thousand 255. When vehicles with a system that provides power to the wheels (extended range) by running an electric motor with a gasoline engine generator to charge the battery in the vehicle are included, the electric car sales figure increased to 9 thousand 772. Extended range cars are also included in the “electric” class according to the Customs Tariff Statistics Position (GTIP).

329.5 percent increase in fully electric car sales

In the first 2 months, automobile sales increased by 49.3 percent for gasoline cars compared to the same period last year, while they decreased by 0.5 percent for diesel cars and 43.3 percent for autogas cars.

During this period, hybrid car sales increased by 113.8 percent and fully electric car sales increased by 329.5 percent.

The market share of fully electric was 5.6 percent

The share of gasoline cars in total sales, which was 68.1 percent in the January-February period of last year, decreased to 66.9 percent in the first 2 months of this year. The share of diesel cars decreased from 16.6 percent to 10.9 percent, and the share of autogas cars decreased from 2.2 percent to 0.8 percent.

The share of fully electric cars increased from 2 percent to 5.6 percent, and the share of hybrid cars increased from 10.5 percent to 14.8 percent. Considering full electric, extended range electric and hybrid, 21.5 percent of the total market consisted of vehicles with electrification.

Germany ranks first in the EU

In the Turkish automobile market, the increasing trend of electric cars continues to remain high compared to European automobile markets.

According to the data of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), in the January-February period, sales of fully electric cars (BEV) in EU countries increased by 17.4 percent on an annual basis and reached 198 thousand 850 units.

During this period, the country that sold the most electric cars in the 27-member EU was Germany with 49 thousand 953 units. It was followed by France with 45 thousand 842 sales and Belgium with 19 thousand 380 sales. The Netherlands ranked fourth with 17 thousand 4 sales, and Sweden ranked fifth with 10 thousand 165 sales.

It sold 7 thousand 968 electric cars in Italy, 7 thousand 180 in Spain, 8 thousand 100 in Denmark and 2 thousand 917 in Finland.

With the sales of 8,255 fully electric cars in the January-February period, Turkey ranked 6th in the EU, surpassing countries such as Italy, Spain, Austria, Denmark and Finland.

Looking at the data and the growth rate of the market, it was seen that Turkey, which follows Sweden closely, is one of the closest candidates for the top 5 in electric car sales. Industry representatives predict sales of 120 thousand electric cars in Turkey this year.


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