Lost letter or damaged package, Agcom sets new rules on rights and compensation

Lost letter or damaged package, Agcom sets new rules on rights and compensation


ROME – We sent a registered letter and, after 30 days, it has still not arrived at its destination. Once this time has expired, certainly not short, the registered letter is officially lost.

And the rule applies to any other postal item, starting from parcels: the loss occurs 30 days after shipment. At this point, we will be entitled to compensation.

The operator – Poste Italiane and all the others – that is, they will have to pay us an initial compensation“equal to twice the shipping price”.

A compensation that will not be automatic: we will have to file a complaint and defer to the investigation of the accused operator.

Registered consignments

To establish these rules is the Communications Guarantor (Agcom) which specifies a non-secondary detail.

To request compensation, we will have to demonstrate that we have made the shipment in “registered, certified and insured” ways”. We cannot post a letter and then swear on our honor that it never reached its destination.

It may also happen that the letter, the package, the parcel arrive at its destination; but with damage to the casing.

The protest

Even in the event of damage to the postal itemthe shipper will be entitled “to compensation equal to twice the cost of the shipment”.

Damage, be careful, must be contested immediately, already upon delivery of the letter or package. This is no small detail. The dispute will become difficult when the correspondence does not reach us directly, but to a goalkeeper and perhaps in large quantities.

Suppose, then, that any postal operator undertakes to deliver a registered letter in a single working day. If you fail to fulfill this commitment, you will have to refund us the cost of shipping.

Starting from the fifth day of delay in delivery, we will also be entitled to 50 cents “for each day of delay”.


The compensation – we were saying – is not automatic. The user will have to submit a complaint or a request for conciliation based on the procedures that each operator defines in its Service Charter.

Now, it is possible that the operator – having received the complaint – throw the ball into the stands “forgetting” to respond to the angry user.

For each day of delay in responding to the compensation request, the operator will have to pay 2.5 euros and up to a maximum of 100.

Business users

All compensations listed are doubled if a “business user” suffers the disservice (like a company).

However, the business user will still benefit of the same compensation as the common user in the event of a delay in responding to the complaint.

You will therefore be entitled to 1.5 euros for each day of delay and up to a maximum of 100 euros.

By force majeure

Indemnities and compensations are excluded for everyone – ordinary users and businesses – if the operator disregards his commitments of punctual and correct delivery due to “fortuitous circumstances and force majeure”.

No compensation, for example, when extraordinary and unpredictable events occur, even of a natural nature.

The hope is that operators do not hide behind the first rain of the season to deny the compensation due.


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