NBU liquidates “Bank Forward”

NBU liquidates “Bank Forward”


The National Bank decided to revoke the banking license and liquidate “Bank Forward” of Russian Rustam Tariko.

About this reported press service of the NBU.

This decision was made by the regulator in view of the proposal of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund to revoke the banking license and liquidate the bank from March 8, 2023.

At the beginning of February, the National Bank decided take away “Bank Forward” of Russian businessman Rustam Tariko, which is under Ukrainian sanctions, is classified as insolvent.

The NBU substantiates such a decision by the fact that the bank did not bring its activities into compliance with the requirements of the legislation, in particular, the normative legal acts of the NBU after classifying it as problematic.

The basis was also the further significant and irreversible deterioration of the bank’s financial condition in the absence of effective measures to improve it, and the impossibility and insufficiency of the bank’s planned capitalization.

Depositors of “Bank Forward” will receive compensation in the full amount of the deposit, including interest, from the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund. In general, the possible amount of payments of the guaranteed amount to depositors on January 21, 2023 is UAH 1.5 billion.

We remind you:

The ultimate beneficial owner of Forward Bank is Russian businessman Rustam Tariko. He is the owner and chairman of the board of directors of the Russian bank “Russky Standard”, as well as the owner of the Roust alcohol holding (“Russky Standard”, “Zelyonaya Marka”, “Parliament” and “Zhuravli”). Previously, “Forward Bank” was also called “Russian Standard”.

At the beginning of July, according to the materials of the SBU, the court arrested shares and property of the alcohol distributor “Rust” and the bank Forward – the investigation established that part of the profits of these enterprises went to the preparation and waging of the war against Ukraine, as well as to the financing of measures of the Russian Federation aimed at weakening our state.

Later, the court handed over 100% of the shares of “Forward Bank” and its central office in the management of ARMA.

In 2016, Tariko’s fortune was estimated at 0.5 billion dollars – then he took 168th place in the ranking of the richest Russians.


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