Pharmacy simplifications bill, from vaccines to blood tests, what changes

Pharmacy simplifications bill, from vaccines to blood tests, what changes


ROME. Vaccines and blood tests in pharmacies, stop at diploma factories, delivery of ashes via email. And then measures for the construction sector: the silent consent for obtaining authorizations for properties located in areas subject to hydrogeological or landscape constraints is expanded. These are some of the provisions of the simplification bill approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers. The bill, presented by the head of the Public Administration Paolo Zangrillo, is part of a plan that aims to introduce 200 simplifications in 2024 and 600 by 2026. Palazzo Chigi has also given the green light to a legislative decree with more severe sanctions for tobacconists who sell cigarettes without Customs authorisation.

Tests and vaccines
All vaccines (not just the anti-Covid one) can be administered in pharmacies to those over 12 years of age, and the number of tests involving capillary blood sampling (such as checking blood sugar or cholesterol) will be increased. You can choose a general practitioner and pediatrician among those affiliated with the National Health Service.

Stop the diploma mills
Students will be able to take the eligibility exams to have a maximum of two years recognized in one. It will therefore no longer be possible to prepare for an exam that includes three years of school as happens now. The bill also introduces a rule against the creation of classes only for the last year before graduation to facilitate graduation. Confirmation of fixed-term contracts for support teachers who work with disabled pupils will take precedence.

Presumed death e ashes
The times for the declaration of absence and for the declaration of presumed death are halved. The legitimate successors, and those who reasonably believe they have rights to the assets of the deceased, will be able to ask the competent court to declare his absence one year after the last news (now there are two). For the declaration of presumed death, five years will be enough instead of ten. New measures on foster care and the scattering of ashes: they will be released digitally by the Municipality.

Fewer building restrictions
The bureaucratic process for building or renovating properties located in areas subject to hydrogeological, environmental, landscape or cultural constraints is simplified. When the request to the Municipality is already accompanied by an authorization (for example landscape clearance), silent consent is valid, which usually takes place between 30 and 90 days. The current legislation, however, requires the Municipality to open a services conference to obtain the consent of the protection bodies involved.

Squeeze on cigarettes
Fines of up to 10 thousand euros and closure of tobacconists if traders are caught selling manufactured tobacco without authorization from the Customs and Monopolies Agency. It is not just the classic cartons of “contraband” cigarettes, but also cigars, chopped tobacco for rolling “blondes”, chewable tobacco, pipe tobacco and those products that are inhaled without combustion designed for electronic cigarettes.


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