Superbonus, the municipalities affected by the earthquake against the government’s tightening. Then the Treasury tries to save the construction sites

Superbonus, the municipalities affected by the earthquake against the government’s tightening.  Then the Treasury tries to save the construction sites


ROME – The government thinks again and tries to save the post-earthquake reconstruction sites financed by the Superbonus. After having stopped, just Tuesday, the transfer of credit and the discount on the invoice with the “Save-accounts” decreenow Palazzo Chigi and the Treasury are in “reverse gear”: the two options will still be valid in the municipalities affected by the earthquakes of 2009 (Abruzzo) and 2016 (Central Italy).

The announcement comes from the undersecretary of the MEF Lucia Albano: “The government in its action to protect and support the affected communities, following the day’s work at the Ministry of Economy and in conjunction with the Presidency of the Council”, ensures that it will not be no block is foreseen for “Superbonus earthquake” credits.

The correction came about after protests from regional presidents and many mayors of the areas hit by the earthquake, which raised the risk of an interruption of work due to the government’s tightening.

Also Forza Italia raised his voice, asking for immediate changes to the text of the provision approved by the Council of Ministers. “It will be necessary to intervene to protect the construction activities started in the areas affected by the earthquake and to pay maximum attention to avoid abuses, also verifying the use, which seems excessive, of the earthquake bonus,” he said the leader of the Azzurri group in the Chamber Paolo Barelli.


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