Switzerland joined the 13th package of EU sanctions

Switzerland joined the 13th package of EU sanctions


Switzerland joined the 13th package of European Union sanctions against Russia, which included 106 individuals and 88 legal entities.

About this informs press service of the Federal Council of Switzerland.

It is noted that the Federal Department of Economics, Education and Research (EAER), which is responsible for sanctions, has decided to introduce further sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Thus, Switzerland joins the 13th package of EU sanctions adopted in response to Russia’s ongoing military aggression against Ukraine over the past two years.

“Physical and legal entities and organizations that have been sanctioned are primarily those that work in Russia’s military-industrial complex and participate in the production of missiles, drones, anti-aircraft missile systems and other military equipment,” the message reads.

In addition, the sanctions also apply to judges and officials from the occupied territories of Ukraine, as well as to individuals and organizations involved in the forced transfer of Ukrainian children.

It added that additional trade sanctions were introduced to further prevent Russia from acquiring sensitive goods and technologies for the Russian military.

We will remind:

European Union passed The 13th package of sanctions against Russia, which included 106 individuals and 88 legal entities.


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