“The rule must be struck off” – WWN

“The rule must be struck off” – WWN


the mechanism that seeks to prevent the European Commission from launching an infringement procedure by the EU for alleged violation of Community law: Brussels sends a letter to the Member State and asks for clarification. the system Eu Pilot. There DG Environment of the EU Commission wrote to Rome to verify whether the anti-wild boar rule, contained in the finance law approved last December 29, is in line with the Habitats and Birds Directives. Italy has four weeks to respond. The opening of Eu Pilot cases is limited to alleged violations of Community law of a mainly technical nature.

The amendment was included in the Budget by the Brothers of Italy to address the problem of the growing number of wild boars in cities (according to Coldiretti there are 2.3 million in the country) but in fact the formulation concerns any wild species. article 19 of law no. 157 of 11 February 1992, which regulates hunting in Italy. The government has changed the regulation on wildlife control and containment, attributing to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces the power to monitor and, if necessary, authorize numerical control plans by killing or capturing wildlife species, even in areas prohibited for hunting, such as protected areas, and during the period of the year where hunting is prohibited.

DG Environment asked how the law ensures that in Natura 2000 areas there is no killing or trapping of the species for which these areas have been designated, and how the ban on hunting birds and other wild animals and the nesting and breeding periods is safeguarded. The letter comes after press articles and a petition to Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius. The Natura 2000 areas are a system of areas established by the EU for the conservation of biological diversity.

A association group (Enpa, Lac, Lav, Legambiente, Lipu and Wwf Italia) have asked the government to change course. AND the M5s parliamentarians of the Environment commissions of the Chamber and Senate Fontana, Patty L’Abbate, Daniela Morfino, Agostino Santillo, Gabriella Di Girolamo, Elena Sironi and Antonio Trevisi have asked Prime Minister Meloni, leader of the patriots party of the brace, to immediately cancel the measure on wild boar hunting in the city in the first useful provision .


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