Valentine’s Day: for Italians the ideal gift is a trip

Valentine’s Day: for Italians the ideal gift is a trip


A trip is the best gift that two lovers can give each other on Valentine’s Day. In particular, 55% of Italians – 76% of those belonging to Generation Z – would take advantage of the anniversary to literally pack their bags together with their partner. To reveal it is PiratinViaggio, an Italian portal dedicated to travel offers, which promoted an internal survey in which 1,169 adults distributed throughout Italy participated. To have organized at least once a romantic trip furthermore, 8 out of 10 Italians would have done so. Of these, 57% would have done so to dedicate precious time to their relationship. Furthermore, almost all of the sample (96%) would prefer to receive a trip as a gift rather than a physical good. Four reasons were given: opportunity to spend more quality time with those you love (32%); belief that travel can contribute to the formation of more lasting memories (23%); sense of happiness (22%); short escape from everyday life (17%).

Among the favorite destinations, the most romantic city of all would be Paris (81%) followed by Venice (56%), Vienna (33%), Bruges (22%) e Kyoto (17%). Beyond travel, to best spend the day of love many choose the relax in the spa (60% of preferences) and the romantic dinners at the restaurant (41% of the total which becomes 51% among those belonging to Gen Z). Good feedback also for outdoor activities, perhaps in the name of adventure (25%), and for live performances, such as theater shows or concerts (21%). Home activities, however, are well spaced out: few are willing to sit at the stove (17%) or in front of the TV (16%). Furthermore, if 56% of the sample considers Valentine’s Day to be a special occasion (77% among those belonging to Generation Z), 25% consider it a ‘commercial’ holiday (43% among those belonging to Generation X).

Although, finally, 65% of single consider the Valentine’s Day a day like any other (65%), for 22% it represents a unique moment to dedicate oneself to one’s loved ones, for 7% the opportunity to enjoy a short holiday in the city, for 6% a cause for psychological stress.


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