What is the reason for the staff shortage in hotels?

What is the reason for the staff shortage in hotels?


There is no one to work in hotels. The number of vacancies in the hospitality industry has increased by almost 60%. And this is only for the first quarter of 2024, the hh.ru company told Kommersant FM. Now there are about 10 thousand offers on the site, and there are also other platforms. They are looking for everyone – from call center operators to managers. In order not to disrupt the summer holiday season, hotels are ready to hire staff without experience. Why don’t Russians go to work in hotels? And who will service the year-round tourism clusters that are being built in the country? Aelita Kurmukova found out.

The hospitality industry has not recovered from staffing shortages since COVID-19. In numbers, before the pandemic, for example, 200 people worked at the hotel, they had to fire 100, and only half were able to return. The rest found themselves in other areas. Now that domestic tourism has grown sharply, the shortage of personnel is felt more acutely. Only there is nowhere to take it from. And this despite the fact that more than 200 Russian universities and 300 colleges train specialists for the industry. But most programs do not meet the needs of the market, stresses managing partner of Ivashkevich Hospitality Stanislav Ivashkevich:

“No university prepares applied managers for hotels. There are a couple of hotel courses – RUDN University, in my opinion, has one, REU im. G. V. Plekhanov, Russian International Academy of Tourism. But a hotel is not tourism, but a household activity. We need to train maids, cooks, reception staff and waiters. Therefore, it is easier for us to take a good person who speaks English and raise him.”

In the hospitality industry, now no more than 30% of staff have specialized education, adds Ivashkevich, and even hunting does not solve the problem: “If in Sochi, Moscow and St. Petersburg we can still steal each other’s employees, and we still somehow survive, then, of course, it is impossible to develop new territories.

It’s hard to imagine that tomorrow in Yakutia, Kamchatka or somewhere on Sakhalin, when opening a hotel with 100 rooms, we will have 100 professional employees with work experience, a management system, and English speaking in line.”

By 2030, Russia plans to build 10 all-season resorts. The government plans to allocate 300 billion rubles for the national tourism project “Five Seas”, and another 1.5 billion rubles. supposedly investors will invest. But who will work there? This issue will have to be resolved not only by business, but also by the authorities. Although entrepreneurs include expenses for training and accommodation of staff, notes hotel market expert, former deputy head of Rostourism Elena Lysenkova:

“If you look at the business plans of most investment projects, all investors include programs to attract personnel, a separate program to improve the quality of personnel, training and preparation.

The story is not that they teach poorly or poorly, but that there is no one to teach. It just requires people who are willing to work in the industry.”

But these people don’t exist because the salaries in the industry are not satisfactory, although they have increased noticeably over the past year. The average salary of a maid is 50 thousand rubles, but this is in millionaire cities, and even then not everywhere. Hotels are increasingly solving the problem of understaffing by offering part-time jobs to existing employees. But the service does not get better from this, emphasizes Sergei Romashkin, vice-president of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia:

“Hotels clean their rooms less often than tourists would like, or less often than required by standards. We can talk with the hotel management, who will say that they didn’t have time to recruit people for the season. I came across statistics from Sberbank, which placed the level of salaries in the hotel business in 46th place out of 50 industries analyzed.

Let’s make salaries that are in the top 10, and then people will flock to us.”

Staff salaries eat up up to half the budget of the hotel business, adds Romashkin. And even a slight increase in salaries in the industry has already affected the costs of tourists. According to the booking services MTS Travel and Bronevik.com, the average check for accommodation in Russian hotels increased by 20% over the year.

Everything is clear with us – Telegram channel “Kommersant FM”.


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