Boeing offered Poland to buy modern F-15EX fighters

Boeing offered Poland to buy modern F-15EX fighters


On Thursday, during the Kielce defense industry fair, Boeing presented the latest version of the F-15 fighter, F-15EX Eagle II, offering the purchase of machines to the Polish armed forces. According to the company, Poland is interested in this plane.

As the American company announced in a statement, the multi-role fighter was presented during the 31st International Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce as a “potential” purchase under the Pentagon’s Foreign Military Sales program.

“Poland’s interest in the F-15EX confirms its commitment to the readiness and effectiveness of its armed forces,” said Tim Flood, the company’s director for Europe and the Americas. The company’s representative stated that the advantages of the concern’s offer include, among others: interoperability and relatively low price, and “a strong industrial plan that would support Poland’s goal of developing an independent defense capability.”

The F-15EX is the latest version of the F-15 aircraft, which has been in production for over 40 years. According to Boeing, the new variant of the machine is the most modern and most capable multi-role fighter and includes, among others: a new electronic warfare system, a glass digital cockpit and the ability to carry hypersonic weapons.

So far, eight countries have decided to purchase these aircraft. Ultimately, 104 F-15EX are to be in service with the US Air Force, replacing older versions of the fighters. (PAP)

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