‘Bread price hike’ claim in Edirne: Statement from the Governorship

‘Bread price hike’ claim in Edirne: Statement from the Governorship


Edirne Governorship reported that 200 grams of bread was sold for 7.50 lira and there was no change in the price tariff.

In the written statement made by Edirne Governorship, it was stated that it was necessary to make a statement about the process due to the news published in the local press being made available to the public and the intense demand from the citizens.

In the statement, it was emphasized that there was no change in the sales tariff of bread and the following was noted:

“Bread price tariffs are determined within the scope of the Regulations on the Regulation of Maximum Price Tariffs of Goods and Services Produced by Professional Chambers. Accordingly, the decisions taken by the relevant chambers must first be sent to the Ministry of Commerce and after the completion of this process, they must be notified to our Governorship within the periods specified in the legislation.

At this point, no new price tariff has yet been delivered to our Governorship by the relevant chambers. The price per kilogram of folk-style bread, which is still valid in our city, is 37.50 lira, and 1 piece of 200 grams of bread is sold for 7.50 lira. “When a different price tariff obtained by professional chambers other than the current price tariff reaches our Governorate, we will act with the authority given by the legislation.”


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