Exports worth 414.6 million dollars were made from the Eastern Black Sea region in the first quarter of the year

Exports worth 414.6 million dollars were made from the Eastern Black Sea region in the first quarter of the year


Exports of 414 million 660 thousand 924 dollars were made from Trabzon, Rize, Artvin and Gümüşhane in the January-March period of 2024.

Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association (DKİB) Chairman Saffet Kalyoncu, in his written statement, said in the first three months of the year: 319 million 994 thousand 603 dollars from Trabzon, 60 million 833 thousand 578 dollars from Rize, 21 million 355 thousand 593 dollars from Artvin. He stated that 12 million 477 thousand 150 dollars of exports were made from Gümüşhane and Gümüşhane.

Saffet Kalyoncu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association (DKİB)

Emphasizing that exports from Rize increased by 45 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, Kalyoncu noted that there was a 29 percent increase in Artvin exports, a 12 percent increase in Gümüşhane exports and a 2 percent increase in Trabzon exports.

Kalyoncu pointed out that hazelnuts are one of the sectors with the highest exports with 199 million 623 thousand 486 dollars, and that fresh fruits and vegetables come second with 50 million 680 thousand 902 dollars, aquatic products and products in the third place with 51 million 948 thousand 715 dollars, and fourth with 49 million 664 thousand dollars. He stated that mines and metals came in fifth place with 465 dollars, and vehicles and sub-industry products came in fifth place with 9 million 460 thousand 326 dollars.

Pointing out that exports were made to 115 countries from the Eastern Black Sea region on the dates in question, Kalyoncu made the following evaluation:

“The top 5 countries with the most exports were Italy, Russian Federation, Georgia, Germany and China, respectively. From these countries, there was a 20 percent increase in our exports to Georgia, a 16 percent increase in our exports to Germany, and a 36 percent increase in our exports to China.” “Our regional exports increased by 8 percent in the January-March period compared to the same period last year.”

Kalyoncu stated that, unlike the same period last year, this year exports were made to countries such as Morocco, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Palau, Philippines, Mali, Kenya and Oman.


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