Hunger limit reached 19 thousand liras, poverty exceeded 52 thousand liras

Hunger limit reached 19 thousand liras, poverty exceeded 52 thousand liras


United Public Business Confederation announced the February Hunger-Poverty Survey, which was prepared by taking into account the food and non-food expenses that a family of four in Ankara should consume in order to have a balanced and healthy diet.

While the hunger limit increased by 1,531 liras in February compared to the previous month, the expenditure required for needs other than food increased by 2,349 liras to 33,402 liras.

The poverty line, which is the sum of both, increased by 3 thousand 880 liras compared to the previous month.

In the last one-year period, the hunger line increased by 8 thousand 714 liras, the expenditure for needs other than food increased by 15 thousand 98 liras, and the poverty line increased by 23 thousand 812 liras.

Confederation General Secretary Özgür Aras said, “The hunger line increased by a total of 2 thousand 490 liras in the first two months of this year… The increase in the poverty line in the last year was 23 thousand 812 liras.”


According to the prices compiled from the most shopped markets in Ankara, the monthly amount that should be spent on meat-fish-egg for a balanced diet was 554 lira in February compared to the previous month, and 5 thousand 213 lira, increasing by 2 thousand 579 lira annually.

The required expenditure for dried pulses increased by 41 lira compared to the previous month and by 168 lira compared to the same month last year, reaching 409 lira.


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