This time with EYT, he was stuck on prime! Cemal Enginyurt said ‘our new problem’ and announced

This time with EYT, he was stuck on prime!  Cemal Enginyurt said ‘our new problem’ and announced


Democrat Party (DP) Army Deputy Cemal Enginyurt made a statement regarding the rhetoric that ‘the gradual bonus system has been introduced’. As it is known, the Bill of Law on the Amendment of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law, which includes the EYT regulation, and the Decree Law No. 375, was accepted in the Plan and Budget Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey yesterday.

previously announced in the ‘5,000 premium days’ The gradual extension of the condition to 5 thousand 975 days created thousands of new grievances. Before September 8, 1999, the conditions were to work 20 years for women and 25 years for men and to have paid 5000 premiums. With the change made in 1999, the premium condition was gradually introduced along with the age requirement. In the bill, it is stated that ‘Provisions in special laws other than the age requirement will be valid’.


AKP Group Deputy Chairman Muhammet Emin Akbaşoğlu argued that the rhetoric that ‘the gradual bonus system has been introduced’ is a lie.

Democrat Party (DP) Army Deputy and Deputy Chairman Cemal Enginyurt, who attracted attention on social media with his debut, was one of those who opposed the gradual bonus system at EYT.

Supporting EYT members on social media, Cemal Enginyurt said, “AKP has solved the issue of EYT members (!) Now our new problem is EPT, that is, those who are stuck on Prime in Retirement. Their job is to lie. Go there, my fellow citizens, they are in the lingering mode. At EYT, remove the terms all or nothing. Get Start of InternshipSsk. The rest is empty talk”.


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