21.5% of tourists in the Canary Islands prefer sustainable options on their trip

21.5% of tourists in the Canary Islands prefer sustainable options on their trip


21.5% of tourists to the Canary Islands in 2022 preferred sustainable options, even if they generated inconveniences on their trip, according to the report ‘Sustainability of Tourism in the Canary Islands 2023’. The study, carried out by researchers from the University of La Laguna and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in collaboration with the Canary Islands Tourism Observatory, was presented by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, José Manuel Sanabria.

Sanabria highlighted the Canary Islands’ commitment to sustainable development through its participation in the International Network of the Sustainable Tourism Observatory. The report seeks to transfer information to the Canary tourism sectors and provide data for future policies. Raúl Hernández, from the ULL, mentioned that the study seeks to be a reference in the public debate, feeding on the international dialogue in the International Network of the Sustainable Tourism Observatory (INSTO) of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in which they participate 42 leading observatories in tourism sustainability under the leadership of the UNWTO.

Presentation this Wednesday of the report ‘Sustainability of tourism in the Canary Islands’


The challenges linked to sustainability

The Sustainability of Tourism in the Canary Islands report points out the great challenges linked to sustainability in the coming years, among which he lists the proper management of wastewater, tourist pressure in certain areas such as La Graciosa, Corralejo, Yaiza, Arona or Las Canteras, the tourist recovery of La Palma, or the sustainable tourist use of the Natural spaces.

Sustainable tourism in the Canary Islands

It also affects the energy emergency linked to the supply of electricity, the lack of attractiveness of the sector for many young people, the unemployment and poverty rate in a leading tourist community, the growth of prices linked to inflation or the pressure of vacation housing in some areas, among others.

16 key variables of sustainability

The report establishes indicators to measure sustainability in its triple dimension: ecological, economic and social.

These variables are; destination attractiveness and tourist satisfaction; tourism seasonality; air connectivity and intermediation; economic impacts, benefits and innovation; training, entrepreneurship and employment; digitalization, knowledge and smart tourism; Energy management; water and wastewater management; Solid waste management; natural capital to support tourism, protected areas and fragile ecosystems; climate change and mitigation; local satisfaction with tourism and well-being; mass tourism and over-tourism; maturity of destiny and renewal; universal accessibility and inclusivity and governance.

The connectivity variable indicates that from October 2022 to October 2023, international flights arrived in the Canary Islands from 29 countries and 117 airports of different origin, in addition to flights from 24 national airports. Among the airports of origin, they come first from Madrid, Manchester, London-Gatwick, Barcelona and London-Stansted.


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