Casino. Former CDiscount boss Emmanuel Grenier recruited by Carrefour

Casino.  Former CDiscount boss Emmanuel Grenier recruited by Carrefour


Emmanuel Grenier, long-time director of the e-retailer CDiscount which belongs to the Casino group, will become executive director of Carrefour, in charge of online commerce, data and “digital transformation”, Carrefour announced on Tuesday, confirming information from LSA .

Emmanuel Grenier, 52, will take up his position on February 1 and will also join the executive committee of Carrefour, according to a press release from the distribution giant.

The group’s CEO Alexandre Bompard says he has “full confidence” in Emmanuel Grenier, “whose talent and experience are unique in the market, to continue the transformation” of Carrefour in terms of digital technology.

15 years at CDiscount

These functions were until now occupied by Elodie Perthuisot, who since September has combined this activity with the executive management of Carrefour Spain, a country where the distributor is well established.

Emmanuel Grenier, who was at the head of CDiscount from 2008 to 2023 “spent his entire career within the Casino group, first in logistics and information systems functions, in Poland and France,” Carrefour further indicates.

She is the second former Casino executive to move to Carrefour, after Tina Schuler.

This former general manager of the Casino brands was appointed franchise director of Carrefour in France, taking up her position at the beginning of February. She left Casino in April 2023.


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