A resident of Santa Cruz de Tenerife manages to cancel a debt of 40,000 euros

A resident of Santa Cruz de Tenerife manages to cancel a debt of 40,000 euros


Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 08:48

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Justice allows a resident of Santa Cruz de Tenerife to cancel a debt of 40,000 euros with the Second Chance Law. DJA, 41, found himself overwhelmed by debt and insolvent as a result of a series of unexpected expenses, such as a renovation to his home, his divorce and an illness that affected his income. After separating, he had to pay the rent for his new home and pay child support for his three children. For a time he was able to meet the expenses derived from his new situation, but when he was diagnosed with degenerative osteoarthritis he was forced to take a leave of absence from his job as a salesman that lasted for almost two years.

Due to these circumstances it was impossible for him to take charge of the payment of the credits, so he had to declare bankruptcy as he found himself insolvent, and resorted to the Second Chance Law through Canarias Sin Debta.

Canarias Sin Debta’s lawyer, Simone Panzanelli, explains that “the DJA situation is common in many of the cases we encounter: a scenario in which the client feels suffocated by not being able to cope with a debt situation and resorts to loans to pay previous debts, and thus the amount owed to creditors and the pressure to make the corresponding payments increases. When making payments is no longer possible, the Second Chance Law may be the solution.

As DJA explains, “I had a very bad time in a devastating situation: the repair of a home, the change of address, a marital separation, the payment of support for my children and, finally, the illness did not give me respite to take on some credits that at the beginning I could afford.

About Canary Islands Without Debt

Canary Islands Without Debt is a firm of lawyers and specialists in the Second Chance Law. Its objective is to help all residents of the Canary Islands in a complex economic situation to restructure their debts and thus give them a second chance by offering advice and processing services throughout the process.

Since its creation, Canarias Sin Deuda has achieved the cancellation of more than five million euros of debt in the archipelago, consolidating itself as a leading law firm in second chance law on the islands. It is a company with 100% Canarian capital, it has offices in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Arrecife (Lanzarote). Being able to also provide telematic coverage to any of the other islands, thanks to the fact that the procedure allows procedures in this way.


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