A second chance: they cancel a debt of more than 76,700 euros to a woman in Gran Canaria

A second chance: they cancel a debt of more than 76,700 euros to a woman in Gran Canaria


The economic situation of Karina Mossier began to destabilize after their separation, since had to face the expenses alone of all the financial obligations resulting from the marriage, among them, the mortgage of the marital home. Faced with this situation, she had to resort to various loans from financial institutions, which offered them without her having previously requested them.

The affected person was able to meet her financial obligations for a long period of time but, despite her job stability, began to have difficulties paying the installments for financial products. For this reason, she was forced to resort to handing over her home to the bank that guaranteed the loan, in exchange for canceling the outstanding debt. This difficult situation led to a spiral of insurmountable loans and debts, in addition to the rent payment that she had to face.

Karina explains that found a way out in the Canary Islands without Debt and comments with relief that, although the process has not been easy, “they have resolved all my doubts with close advice and During this time I have felt accompanied at all times». For this reason, he recommends that other people who may be in a similar situation “do not be afraid or ashamed and put themselves in the hands of this team of professionals.”

According to the lawyer and head of the Canarias Sin Debuda office in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Samuel Díaz: «In this case, as is usual, Karina Mossier met all the requirements to benefit from the Second Chance Law and finally he has been able to see his efforts rewarded with the opportunity for a new beginning without debt.

For his part, Jaime Terrón, advisor to Canarias sin Debta who has managed the case of Karina Mossier, explains that, unfortunately, there are many cases in which, like this one, people They are plunged into a spiral of unfathomable loans, the result of ignorance and desperation. Therefore, it emphasizes the importance of putting yourself in the hands of professionals to achieve a satisfactory outcome. “Karina’s collaboration and good disposition at all times has been essential for the cancellation of the debt,” she says.


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