Budget performance will be better than expected

Budget performance will be better than expected


Minister Nebati made important statements regarding the economy agenda in the Başkent Kulisi program broadcast on Haber7. Minister Nabati’s statements are as follows:


“EYT, of course, is a burden on the budget. It is necessary to calculate this burden well, and the infrastructure must be well established so that the burden on the budget does not create pressure. For this reason, there is a possibility of approximately 5 million retirees. 40 percent of them will be entitled to 2 million 250 thousand retirees this year. Now, I will not express the burden in figures, it is a good burden on the budget, our comfort stems from the fact that we created the source and entered the new year. In that sense, we are very, very comfortable.


Now, in 2021, Turkey has experienced a currency attack in the last 3 months. When you say exchange rate in Turkey, it is dollars. From the citizen on the street, from the worker to the villager, to the housewife, everyone looks at the dollar. Any upward or downward movement in the dollar rate is carefully followed by every member of the society.

Since the last 2017, TL has lost value against the dollar, so it is necessary to look at it in terms of real value. When you make a comparison between the Turkish lira and the dollar, in 2013, the TL reached its most valuable point.

What does this mean? The more valuable the TL is, the more you import abroad. There is no need for it to produce in Turkey.

If you make the Turkish lira very worthless, the opposite will happen. Last year, the dollar gained 44 percent against inflation on one side and international conditions on the other. The real value of TL has reached up to 57 percent. The market determines the optimal point.


Last year was the hardest year in the world. Inflation was a problem that plagued the world last year. It was a worldwide problem. The increase in commodity prices abroad, high inflation expectations in the world, import inflation due to inflation in the world, and their behavior that inflation will rise as a result of currency attacks, especially the opposition, has spoiled the view of the economy in the society. They both delayed their demands, as prices would increase anyway, and increased prices beyond expectations. The war broke our expectations.


Inflation will continue to decline rapidly. When we entered from 2021 to 2022, we made decisions that would break the morale. Electricity and natural gas prices began to rise. We have entered an era where everything is increasing. These reinforced the perception that there would be inflation in the market, but it had to be done. When we entered 2023 from December 31st, the nation started to feel the serious decrease when the inflation, which was created by the decrease in natural gas and electricity prices, was announced on the 3rd of the month.

Despite the increase in the minimum wage and the decisions regarding EYT, we see that inflation will reach low levels.


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