When will tax debt restructuring be released? How many installments will the tax debt restructuring be?

When will tax debt restructuring be released?  How many installments will the tax debt restructuring be?


Tax and SSI Preparations for the restructuring of debts began. With the restructuring, it is expected that the debts will be paid in installments and that a large part of the debts will be erased.


In the debt restructuring package, it was learned that the installment options will be kept for longer terms, unlike the previous configurations. Previously, it was possible to pay in 6, 9, 12 and 18 monthly installments in restructuring tax debts, and the payments were made every two months.

The coefficient was determined according to the number of preferred payment installments. According to the information obtained, the number of installments in this package will exceed 18. In this case, if 20-month installments are offered, it will be possible to pay the debt in 40 months. Even if the installment option increases to 24 months, the citizen will be able to pay the debt of the tradesmen in 48 months, in other words, in 4 years.


Tax liabilities of the configuration process; Penalties whose tax debts to the finance are not yet finalized or are in the process of litigation, Credit and Dormitories Institution education loans, motor vehicle taxes, traffic fines, population penalties, military penalties, illegal tolls and fines from highways and bridges, customs penalties and insurance followed by the social security institution expected to cover premiums.


The debt restructuring package will be evaluated at the cabinet meeting on Monday. The configuration package will be discussed in the cabinet on Monday. After the cabinet, President of the AKP, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is expected to announce the details of the package.

The package is expected to become law by mid-February at the latest.


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