Central Bank’s total reserves decreased

Central Bank’s total reserves decreased


Weekly Money and Bank Statistics were published by the CBRT.

Accordingly, as of January 27, the gross foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank decreased by 2 billion 948 million dollars to 76 billion 206 million dollars. Gross foreign exchange reserves were at the level of 79 billion 154 million dollars on 20 January.

In the said period, gold reserves increased by 1 billion 344 million dollars from 49 billion 589 million dollars to 50 billion 933 million dollars.

Thus, the Central Bank’s total reserves decreased from 128 billion 743 million dollars to 127 billion 139 million dollars in the week of January 27, with a decrease of 1 billion 604 million dollars compared to the previous week.

The CBRT reserves are as follows (million dollars):

History Gold Reserves Gross Foreign Exchange Reserves Total Reserves
28.01.2022 38,577 71.636 110.214
25.02.2022 42,944 70,200 113,144
25.03.2022 42,399 65,638 108,037
29.04.2022 41,467 65,398 106,865
27.05.2022 41.611 61,285 102,897
24.06.2022 41,594 60,342 101,936
29.07.2022 40,163 61.101 101,263
26.08.2022 40,824 70,823 111,647
30.09.2022 38,996 68,052 107,048
28.10.2022 39,377 74,804 114,180
25.11.2022 42,835 79,766 122,601
30.12.2022 45,851 82.904 128,755
06.01.2023 46,750 79,660 126,410
13.01.2023 48,089 79,183 127,272
20.01.2023 49,589 79,154 128,743
27.01.2023 50,933 76,206 127,139


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