‘Fixed price and discount’ decision from local markets during Ramadan

‘Fixed price and discount’ decision from local markets during Ramadan


Ömer Düzgün, President of the Turkish Retailers Federation (TPF), stated in his written statement that, as the umbrella organization of 14 retail associations with 7,700 branches across Turkey, they have signed a new campaign to relieve consumers’ budgets during Ramadan.

Announcing that they fixed the prices on hundreds of products during the month of Ramadan, Düzgün said, “As local chains, we are determined to do our best to contribute to the budgets of our citizens and contribute to economic stability. We can only overcome the process we are in with one heart. In this process, we want to ensure price stability in our markets and ensure the comfort of our people.” “It is our priority to ensure that he has a good Ramadan,” he said.

Düzgün stated that they exchanged views with sector representatives for the preparations for Ramadan and said:

“We are ready for the month of Ramadan. We have fixed the prices for hundreds of products in 7,700 local chain market stores. Our citizens will be able to buy hundreds of products at 25 percent more affordable prices with campaigns that will be organized specifically for each region every week until the end of the holiday. Thus, hundreds of essential products, from pulses to oil, from tea to sugar, from flour to pasta “They will be able to access food products at more affordable prices until the end of Ramadan. Apart from food, we will also make discounts on snacks, cleaning products, detergents, dishwasher products and paper products.”

Düzgün called on all manufacturers and suppliers to support the campaign.


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