Rafael Álvarez-Ossorio, new director of El Corte Inglés in the Canary Islands

Rafael Álvarez-Ossorio, new director of El Corte Inglés in the Canary Islands


The group companies in the archipelago generate more than 5,000 jobs, both direct and indirect, and more than 2,000 local suppliers


Rafael Álvarez-Ossorio González has recently assumed the Regional Management in the Canary Islands of the El Corte Inglés Group, a position in which he replaces Gabriel Mateos-Aparicio Colodrón, who, after a short and successful period in office, has been entrusted with the direction of the Community of Madrid in its entirety.

Rafael Álvarez-Ossorio González (Murcia, 1976), married with two children, accedes to the position after a 15-year career at El Corte Inglés, in which he has always held managerial and regional functions, mainly in the Community of Murcia.

Industrial Engineer, he has completed various masters MBA, PRL, Auditor in PRL, Environment and Quality, and also has the PDG Master from IESE. His first professional stage was linked to the management of shopping centers in Madrid, Alicante and other areas of Spain. This experience allowed him
joining El Corte Inglés in 2008 in the management team for the region of Murciawhere he has held various positions, a career that has culminated in the direction of the important Murcia Center for the last four years.

His extensive experience in retail and in the management of human teams will be very useful for the Canary Islands to continue the successful path of recent years; promoting omnichannel and sales to the tourism that visits us are two strategic objectives that are part of the challenges of the position.

Passionate about sailing and sea sports, Rafael Álvarez-Ossorio González shares with his wife and children the enthusiasm for this new professional and personal project, for which their support has been essential.

Canary Islands

After a brief activity with Viajes El Corte Inglés, the inauguration of the Mesa y López Center in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria marked the great start of the Group’s activities in the Canary Islands, initiating an expansion that continues to this day. Later, in
In the year 2000, the city saw the opening of the Centro de Siete Palmas in the new development and growth zone of the capital, presenting to the public the double offer of El Corte Inglés and Hipercor, unknown until then on the island.

A year later, in 2001, a historic event took place in the future of the company, with the start of the activities of El Corte Inglés de Tres de Mayo in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, a city in which they were already present since 1996 after the acquisition of the assets of Galerías Preciados and the incorporation into its network of Centers of the small shop on El Pilar street.

In all these years,
Canarias has always participated in the expansion plans of the Group, and thus the Viajes El Corte Inglés network has been strengthened and the arrival of other business formats such as Outlets, Supercor and Supercor exprés and Sfera, as well as Supercor Stop&Go stores at some Repsol network gas stations, have become known. It also has logistics warehouses in its network both in Gran Canaria and Tenerife, as well as various Insurance Center establishments.

The El Corte Inglés Group in the Canary Islands generates more than 5,000 jobs (direct, indirect and induced). It works with close to 2,000 local suppliers, not only to have the best and freshest merchandise in stores, but also to be able to count on the best services in an area as important as Viajes El Corte Inglés.


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