SMEs and self-employed workers face a regulatory avalanche due to the new digital billing

SMEs and self-employed workers face a regulatory avalanche due to the new digital billing


SMEs and the self-employed are preparing to face an avalanche of regulations on billing and accounting to which They will have to adapt on the fly. The arrival of the new electronic billing is imminent, facing 2025, and will be conditioned by the Anti-Fraud Law and the Create and Grow Law, whose entry into force raises doubts in self-employed workers, companies and agencies, beyond the impact it will have on the economic activity and the business ecosystem.

The concern, in addition to the legislative tangle, is due to the deadlines to which they will be exposed. With the Anti-Fraud Law, companies and professionals must have billing programs adapted to the legally established requirements at the beginning of the next course. A similar panorama in the case of the digital invoice issuancewhich will also come into force during 2025.

Marcos de la Cueva, CEO of the billing company for companies and self-employed workers, Billin, points out the lack of legislative knowledge on the part of professionals. Its adaptation and technical preparation, which will require investment in time and money, will be a barrier, explains the expert.

“Although there is still time for SMEs and the self-employed to have to issue electronic invoices among themselves on a mandatory basis, the experience of other places indicates that the sooner they adapt, the fewer problems they will have in this change. Leaving everything until the last minute is synonymous with chaos and problems,” he explains.

To comply with the mandatory electronic invoice, “the ideal is for businesses to look for specialized software companies” that make management easier, Billin indicates. De la Cueva suggests resorting to aid such as the Digital Kit, so that the cost of implementation is minimal.



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