Some 200,000 Canarian residents will move between the islands this year by plane or boat

Some 200,000 Canarian residents will move between the islands this year by plane or boat


This Easter, Canarian airlines and shipping companies will reinforce the routes they offer between islands with the aim of responding to the Canary Islands. It is estimated that more than 200,000 canaries will move this year between the islands.

Many islanders choose these vacation days to travel to other islands, where find more affordable accommodation options and prices than in the south of Gran Canaria and Tenerife. In addition, many go to the homes of family and friends.

In the specific case of Binter, The airline reported yesterday between March 22 and April 1, 2,448 flights will be operated with a total of 176,256 seats, which represents an increase of 9% over the usual schedule and 6% more over Easter last year. The days of greatest reinforcement will be Wednesday of next week, March 27, with 60 additional flights; on Saturday the 23rd, with 46 extra links; on Saturday the 30th, with 42 more and on Thursday the 28th and Monday the 1st, with 38 additional flights each day, according to the airline.

In total, Binter will carry out a reinforcement of 198 more flights and an increase of 14,256 seats.

The routes with the greatest reinforcement are those of Lanzarote and Tenerife North, as well as between Gran Canaria and La Palma.

As regards shipping companies, in the case of Fred Olsen, It expects more than 140,000 people to travel on its routes. In total he will make 620 trips for these dates. Connections such as the one from Gran Canaria to Fuerteventura are presented as favorites, which will be used between March 22 and 31 by more than 28,000 passengers and 9,000 vehicles, to enjoy leisure and beach plans.

Regarding the shipping company Trasmediterránea Weapons, to encourage inter-island travel during the upcoming Holy Week, has scheduled a total of 550,000 seats in just over 500 connections. An offer designed to guarantee the best connectivity of the archipelago. Coinciding with the dates of greatest demand, the offer of the maritime bridge “from capital to capital” between Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife and vice versa stands out, run by the fast ferries.


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