The mutual companies regret that Díaz questions their professionalism and suggests “revolving doors”

The mutual companies regret that Díaz questions their professionalism and suggests “revolving doors”


The association that represents the mutual collaborators of Social Security, AMAT, has issued a statement in which it regrets the insinuations about corruption or revolving doors from the second vice president of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz. They argue that they are sufficiently supervised and demonstrate “excellent professionalism.”

The head of Labor stated that last week that “(…) sometimes, there is talk of corruption in our country, and attention to what has happened with professional mutual societies, and they are also a revolving door for the exercise of the activity since the public”, a statement that has motivated the response of the mutuals. According to AMAT, they also suffer the “zeal” of Labor and Social Security inspectors.

“AMAT provides maximum support to clarify the facts, in compliance with the mandate of its Governing Bodies. In other cases, this Association appeals to the Vice President to to recant and resort to prudence in his statementsat least, as far as the Mutual Funds collaborating with Social Security are concerned,” they explain.

In relation to their statements about “revolving doors”, they explain in the statement that doctors from mutual insurance companies are leaving for the public sector because “the remuneration expectation of a health professional at the end of their professional career is 30% higher in such cases.” Services that in the Mutual Insurance Companies that collaborate with Social Security”. They qualify as “luck of unfair competition” this pay gap.

The mutual employers’ association took the opportunity to recall their request to manage temporary disabilities due to common illnesses, a measure that is currently being negotiated at the pension table. “The difference in care and recovery times is almost a month less in the Mutual Insurance Companies,” they stated.



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