The Supreme Court opens a criminal investigation against Puigdemont for the crime of terrorism

The Supreme Court opens a criminal investigation against Puigdemont for the crime of terrorism


The Supreme Court (TS) has opened a criminal investigation against the former president of the Catalan Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, for an alleged crime of terrorism as leader of the independence platform Tsunami Democratic. The Criminal Chamber, chaired by Manuel Marchena, indicates in a ruling this Thursday that it has unanimously agreed to declare that it has jurisdiction to investigate Puigdemont and the deputy of the Catalan parliament Rubén Wagensberg for terrorism crimes.

“It is necessary and pertinent that they be called to the procedure, in order to be heard as investigated (accused), with all the rights and guarantees provided for in our legal system. Investigation diligence that cannot be carried out by the instructor, but only by this Second Chamber because they are authorized to do so,” they point out.

It is worth remembering that Puigdemont enjoys the status of registered because he is a European deputy and, therefore, only the Supreme Court can investigate him after raising the National Court upon verifying that there are solid indications of responsibility towards the former Catalan president. This new investigation into Puigdemont coincides with the negotiations between the Government and Junts to carry out the amnesty law to free the Catalan independence supporters involved in the process from any judicial consequences, including Puigdemont himself.

The Supreme Court indicates that it has no doubt that The facts attributed to Tsunami Democratic are included in the crime of terrorism. The platform blocked the El Prat airport on October 14, 2019 as a protest against the Supreme Court’s condemnation of the process.
The order indicates that Puigdemont was behind this platform. On the one hand, there are indications that he participated in its creation and was in meetings prior to its launch. Additionally, he promoted the new structure.

“That plurality of evidence proves functional control of the fact, absolute leadership, intellectual authorship and assumption of the reins typical act, in such a way that he could have avoided the injury to the legal right and the course of iter criminis, withdrawing his charismatic support, but far from that he encouraged them to continue in the violent actions that were developed with their knowledge and consent,” he says The Supreme Court adds that in a criminal organization the men in the back, who order crimes with autonomous command – and can prevent it – can, in this case, be responsible as direct perpetrators.

On the other hand, regarding the participation of Rubén Wagensberg in the events, it indicates that it is based on the high probability that he uses the pseudonym ‘Konan’ as a user of the Wire application, and reference is made, in the reasoned exposition, to the writing official Tsunami statements, it is noted that the messages exchanged between Konan and Soler are subsequently reproduced in their entirety on social media profiles.



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