This is the letter from Social Security that you will receive in June about your contributions

This is the letter from Social Security that you will receive in June about your contributions


The price it is one of the most important and lasting points in the life of a worker. Along with the salary with which he covers his basic needs and other expenses, Social Security contributions are the second great incentive for a job for any average citizen.

These quotes are the ones that give access to dependent benefits of the Social Security or the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) and also those that determine the duration and amount of the same. For example: contributory retirement pensions or contributory unemployment benefit, unemployment.

The importance of quotes is twofold. On the one hand, for the listing requirements required by these benefits, which can often be met in the medium or even in the long term (it is necessary to reach 15 years of contributions to obtain a retirement pensionalthough in the case of unemployment with one year of contributions it is enough to receive the minimum period).

On the other hand, it is not only important for how long it has been quoted, since just as important as the spread of the quotes is also the amount of those contributions. Or what is the same: in addition to the quantity, the quality of the quotes matters. and that can be checked Consulting the worker’s contribution bases.

Key to future pensions and benefits

For this reason, throughout this month of June, millions of Spaniards will receive a important notification via postal mail, all the information related to their quotes. This will be key to future pensions and benefits.

This is important information for a person to be able to benefit from pensions, unemployment, subsidies or other benefits. For this, in addition to personal contributions, other data such as the employment history report will also be taken into account.



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