Unsold victim will receive ESK

Unsold victim will receive ESK


The sacrificial animals brought to the markets but not sold due to the Eid al-Adha will be purchased by the Meat and Milk Institution (ESK), the relevant institution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It will be sufficient for the breeders to apply to the nearest IHC combination directorates with their animal identification documents and an official veterinarian referral report at the sacrificial animal sales point for their unsold animals.

The current purchase prices of bovine meat of the ESK were determined as 180 liras per kilogram for male cattle, 170 liras for heifers and buffaloes, and 160 liras for cows and female buffaloes. Additional premium payment to the current current purchase prices of cattle will be applied as 25 liras for male cattle, 25 liras for heifers and buffaloes, and 15 liras for cows and female buffaloes per kilogram of meat. The current purchase prices of sheep and goats were 175 liras per kilogram for lamb, 160 liras for full-bodied sheep, 140 liras for sheep, 110 liras for kids, 95 liras for drumsticks and 95 liras for goats. In addition to the current purchase prices of sheep and goats, an additional premium of 5 lira per kilogram of meat will be paid.

While some sellers in the qurban market are considering giving the unsold qurban to the IHC, some of them will return, taking into account the shipping costs. Expressing that the transport amounted to 100 thousand liras, Hasan Koyuncu said, “We will try to sell the sacrifices until the last day.” Ömer Yıldız said, “I will try to sell it. If there are a few left, I will give them to the IHC,” he said.


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