up to 4,450 euros meeting these requirements

up to 4,450 euros meeting these requirements


The Government of Cantabria has followed the steps of Estremadura and gave the green light this Tuesday to new aid for the maintenance of self-employment which are intended to encourage the consolidation of self-employment projects and recently created microenterprises. The regional Executive will allocate a total of 3.4 million euros to this program, 400,000 euros more than in the previous call, 13% more.

According to the document published in the Official Gazette of Cantabria (BOC)Self-employed or self-employed workers who are registered with Social Security or with a professional association of Cantabria may be beneficiaries of these subsidies.

These self-employed workers must also have contributed uninterruptedly to said regime for at least three years prior to the publication of the call and up to a maximum of five years. At the same time, they must carry out their activity in Cantabria and may not have more than nine employed workers.

Finally, beneficiaries must comply with regulations relating to the prevention of occupational risks, environmental matters and equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

Aid and deadline for submitting applications

The subsidy that beneficiaries who meet all of the above requirements will receive will amount to a total of 4,450 euros in the case of women victims of gender violence. People with disabilities, Young people under 35 years old or over 45 years old will earn 4,250 euros.

Finally, in the case of the women not included in the previous cases, will receive 3,500 euroswhile the men will receive 2,500 euros.

The deadline for submitting applications will be 15 working daysstarting the day following the publication of the call extract in the BOC, and can be done in person, by mail or electronically through the General Electronic Registry of the Administration of Cantabria. The resolution will be notified within six months.

The aid will be awarded until the budget credit is exhausted and payment will be made ex officio and in one go.

The Government of Cantabria received a total of 780 applications in 2023, of which only 15 were denied due to lack of funds. This year we expect to respond to around 800 requests.



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