«We have been fleeing the cold of the peninsula, there is no better destination than Gran Canaria»

«We have been fleeing the cold of the peninsula, there is no better destination than Gran Canaria»


The Canary Islands are ideal for practically everything. From enjoying a bachelorette party on the beach in the middle of March or even take one of your first romantic trips with your partner. This Holy Week the islands have received both national and international tourism, coinciding with the high tourist season that ends on Sunday.

One of those tourists is Rocío Ruíz, who is enjoying a special trip to Gran Canaria. «It is a very touristy place, the climate was one of the factors to take into account», he states from Annex II in Playa del Inglés. Rocío comes to Gran Canaria with 13 friends to celebrate the bachelorette party of one of them. “We came to the island for four days of partying and disconnection and, for now, everything is going great,” says Ruíz with her sunglasses on and her bag ready to enjoy a day at the beach.

“We wanted to get out of the peninsula and have a change of scenery,” she points out along with the knowing looks of her friends. «In Malaga the weather is good, but here it is even better, we don’t think twice», points out this woman from Malaga with a smile from ear to ear.

The Canary Islands expect an Easter with more income and occupancy than in 2023. Between nationals and foreigners, both the Federation of Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurs (Feht) of Las Palmas and Ashotel in Santa Cruz de Tenerife foresee an occupancy of 85% and that it will exceed 90% on the weekend thanks to the Canarian residents. The trip for Rocío and her friends has not been excessively expensive: «We have spent about 450 euros per person and including there the trip to the bride who obviously has not paid anything.

Image of the Playa del Inglés area in Gran Canaria.

Juan Carlos Alonso

Secondary image 1 - Image of the Playa del Inglés area in Gran Canaria.

Secondary image 2 - Image of the Playa del Inglés area in Gran Canaria.

Hospitality is another of the keys that many tourists highlight about the islands. «They have treated us great“Everyone has served us, both taxi drivers and waiters and waitresses with a smile on their faces,” she concludes just before going with her friends and girlfriend straight to the beach to enjoy her last days in Gran Canaria.

From a bachelorette party to a romantic trip as a couple. Cristina and Pablo have just landed on the island and as soon as they arrived they didn’t think twice and went straight to the beach: “Let’s go see the area where we are staying, take a walk and catch the first rays of sun.” The climate is one of the aspects that make the Canary Islands one of the most requested destinations every Easter.

More and more national tourists decide to spend their holidays in the archipelago. «We have been fleeing the cold of the peninsula. I live in Seville and he in Santiago», Cristina points out while Pablo nods. “There was no better destination than the Canary Islands, they gave us five days off from work and we are going to spend them all here.”

They decided to take the trip at short notice, but it didn’t cost them too much: «The flights did have a high price “But because the dates were close, but with the hotel we were able to get a good deal.” According to the search engine ‘Jestcost’, searches have increased by 13% and 16% this year.


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