The Noz clearance retailer will sell 170,000 pairs of Minelli shoes at -60%

The Noz clearance retailer will sell 170,000 pairs of Minelli shoes at -60%


Lovers of leather shoes will have the opportunity to do business. The destocker Noz will soon sell 170,000 pairs of Minelli brand shoes at a reduced price. Items “from recent collections will be found in the 317 Noz stores in France before the summer at -60%”, indicated the Mayenne company via a press release.

The clearance company had its hands on 191,000 Minelli items, including shoes, but also leather goods (bags, belts, etc.), accessories and cleaning products. Minelli is experiencing significant financial difficulties: the shoemaker was placed in receivership in September 2023 by the Marseille commercial court.

Call for tenders

The brand was taken over in January by “Mes Demoiselles de Paris” to be transformed into “Maison Minelli”. The buyer kept the stock of the brand’s 120 stores, but the legal representative in charge of recovering Minelli’s debts put the items from its warehouse, located in Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône) up for sale. , explains Noz’s press release.

The latter therefore won the call for tenders to obtain 191,000 products. Previously, the destocker had already bought back the stock of brands like Camaïeu or San Marina in 2023. All you have to do is go to the store, although you will have to wait a little longer. According to France Blue Mayenne, Noz has not yet collected the batch of shoes. The summer and winter collections will have to be sorted before distributing the items between the different stores.


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