Exports of 20 billion dollars are coming from 100 big companies, Gohar Ejaz

Exports of 20 billion dollars are coming from 100 big companies, Gohar Ejaz


Caretaker Commerce Minister Gauhar Ijaz has said that Pakistan’s exports are increasing and imports are decreasing.

USAID, IPA and three Pakistani companies signed an MoU worth 53 million dollars.

Addressing the ceremony on this occasion, the Caretaker Minister of Commerce said that Pakistan’s exports are increasing and imports are decreasing, there can be a big increase in the country’s exports in 1 year.

He further said that exports of 20 billion dollars are coming from 100 big companies, there is a favorable environment for investment in Pakistan.

Gohar Ejaz also said that there was a current account surplus of $397 million in December 2023, exports have increased by $1 billion in the last 4 months.

He said that the non-traditional exports have increased by 100%, if the same pace is maintained, the exports may increase further.

The caretaker trade minister said that the exports of 25 big companies are 10 billion dollars, the exports of 20 billion dollars are coming from 100 big companies.

He said that attention is being paid to small and medium companies, trade is being opened with Gulf states, Africa and China.

Gohar Ejaz said that the American Development Agency is playing a role in trade and investment in Pakistan, which he appreciates.

Mission Director USAID said that America’s determination to promote Pakistan’s economic development is unwavering.

He added that the purpose of the event is to attract foreign investment and expand bilateral trade relations.


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