Orly: a new breakdown in the baggage system causes “significant delays”

Orly: a new breakdown in the baggage system causes “significant delays”


After terminal 3, it was the turn of terminal 4 at Orly airport to be affected by a breakdown in baggage handling systems on Thursday, the group said on Twitter, renamed X.

“Possible delays in the delivery of luggage”, specifies the airport, which apologizes for the inconvenience caused. “Significant delays” are also to be feared. The other terminals are not a priori concerned by the incident.

This is the second time in three days that the airport has experienced such an outage. August 1st, an incident had blocked the baggage check-in belts terminal 3. Employees had been forced to manually check in baggage, which had caused significant delays. Some flights had left 1h30 or even two hours late.

On July 21, a similar problem had already occurred. More than 2,000 suitcases must have been piled up in the hall of the same Terminal 3.

> More information to come on the Parisian website


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