Strike of February 16: 30% of flights canceled at Orly, 20% at other airports

Strike of February 16: 30% of flights canceled at Orly, 20% at other airports


If on the ground, traffic will be minimally disrupted, even normal on certain segments, this will not be the case in the air. 30% of flights will be canceled Thursday at Orly airport, following a call for a strike by air traffic controllers as part of a new day of mobilization against the pension reform.

For the same reason, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has required carriers to also cancel 20% of their aircraft movements scheduled for Thursday at the airports of Toulouse, Marseille, Lyon, Montpellier and Nantes, indicates she in a press release.

The DGAC specifies that the disturbances will not be limited to Thursday. “From Wednesday evening February 15 to Friday February 17 at 6 am”, expect “cancellations and delays”. The DGAC invites passengers who can to “postpone” their trip.

A surprise strike last Saturday

Saturday, for the fourth day of mobilization against the government’s project, the DGAC had to request the cancellation of almost half of the flights at Paris-Orly airport in the morning for the same afternoon. Toulouse airport also had to close unexpectedly in the evening. As strike notices were not “relayed” to air traffic controllers, no minimum service had been set up.


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