the effects of “City 30” presented by the Greens in Lyon

the effects of “City 30” presented by the Greens in Lyon



This Thursday morning, a road control operation was organized at 53 rue Philippe de Lassalle in Lyon 4th. On this occasion, comparisons were made at different control points, between 2022 and 2023, before and after speed limit of 30 km/h. The street also had a chicane installed to slow down traffic. Here, the average speed fell from 43 km/h on average to just 30 km/h, a drop of 13 km/h.

For the record, 23 municipalities in the Lyon Metropolis have chosen to move to City 30. In 2024, this represents more than 60% of Greater Lyonnais who live in a municipality where 30 km/h has become the norm and 50 km/h the exception.


The number of cycling accidents continues to decline (-18% between 2022 and 2023) despite the sharp increase in the practice. As a reminder, since 2019, bicycle use has increased by 54% in Lyon.


Between 2019 and 2023 (1), accidents (2) – an event which causes at least one victim, occurs on a road open to public traffic and involves at least one vehicle – fell by 35% in Lyon, from 1,021 to 661 and 21% in the rest of the metropolitan territory, from 1,165 to 917. In the same direction, we note over the same period a drop of 39% in serious injuries.


In the Metropolis, accident rates among the most vulnerable, namely pedestrians, fell by 43% between 2019 and 2023 (1).


This is the number of fines issued during the 2000 checks carried out last year in Lyon. The first year, 2022, was that of pedagogy, in 2023, City and Metropolis have ensured that motorists take their foot off the gas by multiplying the controls.

(1) The year 2019 was chosen as a reference in order to avoid variations linked to COVID in subsequent years. (2) Source National Interministerial Observatory for road safety in the territory of the Lyon Metropolis, Public Security, National Gendarmerie, CRS.


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