Debts to Social Security prevent the Board from materializing the subsidy to Serla to pay payrolls

Debts to Social Security prevent the Board from materializing the subsidy to Serla to pay payrolls


The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment has called the Serla Foundation workers to a meeting to address their employment situation. The workers have not received their salaries since January, a circumstance that occurs despite the 400,000 euros contributed by the Junta de Castilla y León.

The general director of Labor and Occupational Risk Prevention, Fernando de la Parte, has met with the workers on behalf of the Ministry and at his own request as the competent labor authority, to explain the situation to them first-hand.

According to the Ministry of Industry, all Serla workers have been invited, although the Personnel delegate and the person responsible for Administration have appeared, representing them. Fernando de la Parte, general director of Labor and PRL, has heard the statements of both today.

The general manager explained that On March 14 of this year, the Ministry granted a monetary contribution of 400,000 euros, with the objective, precisely, of paying the payroll of Serla workers throughout the year 2024.

This contribution, approved by the Governing Council, corresponds to the same amount that the Board allocated to Serla for last year and thanks to which the salaries of the Foundation’s workers could be paid.

Causes of non-payment

During the meeting, the reasons why the contribution of 400,000 euros made by the Board, To date, it has not been paid. As a consequence, the workers have not received their last 3 paychecks.

The Party has explained that the intervention of the Treasury informed the Ministry of the rejection of the payment because The Foundation did not comply with being up to date with its commitments to Social Security. It has been this situation that has motivated the Ministry to approach the signatories of Serla to ask about the management of the Foundation’s resources.

In this sense, the department headed by Mariano Veganzones recalls that Last December, another contribution was made from the Board for an amount of 40,000 euros for the payment of salaries and social contributions.

Fernando de la Parte has stated that on March 19, Serla was informed of the impossibility of paying the Board’s contribution without first complying with all its obligations as established by the Subsidy Law. A circumstance that has not yet been resolved.

Workers’ salaries are included in the eligible expenses with the Board’s contribution. The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment, with the aim of remedying the situation experienced by the 6 Serla workers, wanted to convey a message of tranquility.

In this way, it has been stated that the salaries of Serla workers are fully included as eligible expenses in the contribution made this year by the Board, just as happened last year.



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